
A JOURNEY by Tony Blair 日本経済新聞出版社 2011/11



So he began, ‘your new MP, supposed to be a Labour MP [particular emphasis on Labour], whose experience in Labour politics [again, much emphasis on ‘Labour’] up to now inclides [here reading from a piece of paper with extraordinary thespian timing] Durham Choir School; Fettes College Edinburgh – the Eton of Scotland I’m told, [aside] not that I’d know; St John’s College, Oxford [said with an especial sneer]; and the Bar [applause] and that’s not the one you buy a pint in but one full of lawyers [pantomime hisses], your new Labour MP thinks our grandparents didn’t know what they were talking about; that it’s time we disowned them [and] tell them they don’t belong in Thatcher’s Britain [looks of horror of faces of audience]. Well, let me tell you, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, my grandparents were poor, it’s true; were humble folk, I admit it; were, I dare say, a little old-fashioned in their principles of loyalty and solidarity but THEY WERE DECENT PEOPLE AND PROUD OF BEING WORKING CLASS’. The last words rose to a crescendo, an eruption of applause that lifted the roof off the place.



“There was a scene in it I kept coming back to. The commandant, played by Ralph Fiennes, is in his bedroom arguing and she is mocking him, just like any girlfriend might do. While in the bathroom, he spies an inmate of the camp. He take up his rifle and shoots him. They carry on their argument. It’s her I think of. She didn’t shoot anyone; she was a bystander.

Except she wasn’t. There were no bystanders in that situation. You participate, like it or not. You take sides by inaction as much as by action. Why were the Nazis able to do these things? Because of people like him? No because of people like her.”

