【本】 The hundred-year marathon

The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America As the Global Superpower

Michael Pillsbury Henry Holt & Co 2015/2

日本語訳は、China 2049



There cannot be two suns in the sky, nor or two emperors on the earth. p.17

親中派(Panda Hugger)だった自らを反省するところから始まります。「誤った仮定」としているのは、p.7以下のとおり。

  1. Engatement brings complete coorperation
  2. China ison the road to democracy
  3. China, The fragile flower
  4. China wants to be – and is – just like us
  5. China’s hawk are weak


  1. Induce complacency to avoid alerting your opponent.
  2. Manipulate your opponent’s advisers.
  3. Be patient – for decades, or longer – to achieve victory.
  4. Steal your opponent’s ideas and technology for strategic purposes.
  5. Military might is not the critical factor for winning a long-term competition.
  6. Recognize that the hegemon will take extreme, even reckless action to retain its dominant position.
  7. Never lose sight of shi.
  8. Establish and employ metrics for measuring your status relative to other potential challengers.
  9. Always be vigilant to avoid being encircled or deceived by others.


Though it was not clear to American officials at the time, June4, 1989, was a turing point in how the leaders of the Chinse Commuist Party portrayed the United States to their internal udience. p.99


  1. America’s war plan is to blockade China.
  2. America supports plundering China’s maritime resources.
  3. America may choke off China’s sea lines of communication.
  4. America seeks China’s territorial dismemberment.
  5. America may assist rebels inside China.
  6. America may foment riots, civil war or terrorism inside China.
  7. America threatens aircraft carrier strikes



  1. China values will replace American values
  2. China will “Harmonize” dissent on the internet
  3. China will continue to oppose democratization
  4. China will form alliances with America’s adversaries
  5. China will export the airpocalypse
  6. China’s growth strategy entails significant pollution and contamination
  7. (ガンの多発)
  8. (不公正な貿易)
  9. China will increasingly undermine the United Nations and the World Trade Organization
  10. China willprofilerate weapons for profit


感想ですが、千年以上中国の隣に居た国からみれば、中国が長期的な戦略や中華思想があることは、イマサラ感が否めません。しかし、90年代にクリントン政権が”Japan Passing” をしていた時と比較すると、アメリカの中国に対する見方が厳しくなっているのがよくわかりました。



