Leading a Family Business Best Practices for Long-Term Stewardship by Justin B Craig Praeger 2017/7
Everything that every successful effective manager does is sandwiched between action on the ground and reflection in the abstract. Action without reflection is thoughtless; reflection without action is passive
Jonathan Gosling and Henry Mintzberg (2003)
- The majority of votes, direct or indirect, is possession of the founder or those who have acquired the shared capital of the firm or their family members.
- There is at leaset one representative of the family or kin involved in the management and administration of the firm.
The Three-Circle Frameworkは、下図の通り。
If you don’t occasionally make a mistake, you aren’t trying hard enough.
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., The New York Times Company
家族経営のリーダーシップが、他の経営と異なることを説明しています。時間軸が長いのと、第7章でも再びふれる受託責任(Stewardship) が鍵になっています。私の母校のスポンサーも家族経営でした。
I have to be a steward of the Carlson Companies to continue to earn the support of the rest of the family and our employees who are the key stakeholders… I must work with the family group to insure that they receive economic and psychological value from the company that is equal or better than what they will get in alternative investments.
Marilyn Carlson Nelson, p.88
第9章はThe Governor。冒頭はゲーテの言葉。
What you have inherited from your father, your must earn over again for yourselves, or it will not be yours.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “Faust”. Act I, scene i, 1808.