イギリスの歴史家、アダム・トゥーズ(Adam Tooze)氏は、近著の
Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crisis Changed the World,
the optimistic dogma under which democracy and markets were seen as necessary complements — the mantra of the aftermath of the cold war — was dead.
Henry Kissinger: ‘We are in a very, very grave period’
Trump may be one of those figures in history who appears from time to time to mark the end of an era and to force it to give up its old pretences.
Among other European statesmen, Angela Merkel is very local. I like her personally and I respect her but she’s not a transcendent figure.
ポーランドの外相Radoslaw Sikorskiの2011年の言葉が呼応します。
I will probably be the first Polish foreign minister in history to say so, but here it is: I fear German power less than I am beginning to fear German inactivity. You have become Europe’s indispensable nation. You may not fail to lead.” Action did come, but it was always too little and too late.