Homo Deus A Brief History of Tomorrow
Yuval Noah Harari Vintage 2017/3
Most people rarely think about it. but in the last few decades we have manage to rein in famine, plague and war. p.1
For the first time in history, more people die today from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals combined. p.2
About 2.8 million French -15 per cent of the population – starved to death between 1692 and 1694, while the Sun King, Louis XIV, was dallying with his mistresses in Versailles.
In 2010, feminine and malnutrition combined killed about 1 million people, whereas obesity killed 3 million. p.6
Between 75 million and 200 million people died – more than a quarter of the population of Eurasia. In England, four out of ten people died, and the population dropped from a pre-plague high of 3.7 million to a post plague low of 2.2 million. p.7
In 2012 about 56 million people died throughout the world; 620,000 of them died due to human violence (war killed 120,000 people, and crime killed another 500,000). In contrast, 800,000 committed suicide, and 1.5 million died of diabetes. Sugar is now more dangerous than gunpowder. p.14